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Martin Hoefer

Computer Science 1
Dept. of Computer Science
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55, E1, Room 4017
D-52074 Aachen, Germany

Phone: +49 241 80 21101 (Secretary: Erika Schlebusch)
Phone: +49 241 80 21100
Email: [lastname][AT]algo.rwth-aachen.de

Martin Hoefer

I am not offering internships. Please excuse that I am not responding to such email requests.



I am broadly interested in design and analysis of efficient algorithms and computational complexity of decision, optimization and search problems. A special focus of my work are coordination problems in distributed systems, especially in algorithmic game theory, in computational learning theory and optimization with uncertainty.


Complete List, see also DBLP or Google Scholar.

Some Recent Work