Selected Publications
Online Optimization
M. Hoefer, K. Schewior. Threshold Testing and Semi-Online Prophet Inequalities. ESA 2023.
N. Hahn, M. Hoefer, R. Smorodinsky. The Secretary Recommendation Problem. Games and Economic Behavior, 2022. (Previously in EC 2020)
N. Chen, M. Hoefer, M. Künnemann, C. Lin, P. Miao. Secretary Markets with Local Information. Distributed Computing, 2019. (Previously in ICALP 2015)
M. Hoefer, B. Kodric. Combinatorial Secretary Problems with Ordinal Information. ICALP 2017.
O. Göbel, M. Hoefer, T. Kesselheim, T. Schleiden, B. Vöcking. Online Independent Set Beyond the Worst-Case: Secretaries, Prophets, and Periods. ICALP 2014, Best Paper Award Track C.
Information and Market Design
M. Hoefer, A. Psomas, P. Manurangsi. Algorithmic Persuasion with Evidence. ACM Trans. Economics and Computation, 2024. (Previously in ITCS 2021)
R. Gradwohl, N. Hahn, M. Hoefer, R. Smorodinsky. Reaping the Informational Surplus in Bayesian Persuasion. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2022.
R. Gradwohl, N. Hahn, M. Hoefer, R. Smorodinsky. Algorithms for Persuasion with Limited Communication. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2022. (Previously in SODA 2021)
X. Bei, J. Garg, M. Hoefer. Ascending-Price Algorithms for Unknown Markets. ACM Trans. Algorithms, 2019. (Previously in EC 2016)
Y. Azar, M. Hoefer, I. Maor, R. Reiffenhäuser, B. Vöcking. Truthful Mechanism Design via Correlated Tree Rounding. Mathematical Programming, 2017. (Previously in EC 2015)
Routing and Load Balancing
S. Griesbach, M. Hoefer, T. Koglin, M. Klimm. Public Signals in Network Congestion Games. EC 2022.
D. Schmand, M. Schröder, A. Skopalik. Network Investment Games with Wardrop Followers. ICALP 2019.
H. Ackermann, P. Berenbrink, S. Fischer, M. Hoefer. Concurrent Imitation Dynamics in Congestion Games. Distributed Computing, 2016. (Previously in PODC 2009)
T. Harks, M. Hoefer, K. Schewior, A. Skopalik. Routing Games with Progressive Filling. ACM/IEEE Trans. Networking, 2016. (Previously in INFOCOM 2014)
T. Harks, M. Hoefer, M. Klimm, A. Skopalik. Computing Pure Nash and Strong Equilibria in Bottleneck Congestion Games. Mathematical Programming, 2013. (Previously in ESA 2010)
Matching and Fair Division
J. Garg, M. Hoefer, K. Mehlhorn. Satiation in Fisher Markets and Approximation of Nash Social Welfare. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2024. (Previously in SODA 2018)
X. Bei, J. Garg, M. Hoefer, K. Mehlhorn. Earning and Utility Limits in Fisher Markets. ACM Trans. Economics and Computation, 2019. (Previously in SAGT 2017, ESA 2016)
M. Hoefer, D. Vaz, L. Wagner. Dynamics in Matching and Coalition Formation Games with Structural Constraints. Artificial Intelligence, 2018. (Previously in AAAI 2015, WINE 2014)
S. Bhattacharya, M. Hoefer, C.-C. Huang, T. Kavitha, L. Wagner. Maintaining Near-Popular Matchings. ICALP 2015.
M. Hoefer. Local Matching Dynamics in Social Networks. Information & Computation, 2013. (Previously in ICALP 2011, Best Paper Award Track C)