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Algorithmen und Komplexität
Lehrstuhl für Informatik 1
RWTH Aachen
Ahornstrasse 55
D-52074 Aachen

Erika Schlebusch
Informatikzentrum, E1
Raum 4023
Tel.: +49 (0) 241 80-21101

Word Cloud

Website Launch 26 July 2024

Our new website has been lauched.

New Paper in Artificial Intelligence 10 June 2024

In our paper ''Delegated Online Search'' (by Pirmin Braun, Niklas Hahn, Martin Hoefer, Conrad Schecker) we study a natural delegation problem, in which a prinicipal (say, a company) outsources the search for a good alternative to an agent (say, a head hunter searching for a job candidate, or a financial agent scanning investment options). The principal specifies criteria for acceptable options in advance (say, qualifications for hiring, or properties of the investment). The agent searches sequentially through the (initally unknown) options in an online fashion and chooses one that is acceptable to the principal and most preferred by the agent. Our contribution is to design efficient algorithms for the principal. Our algorithms set acceptance criteria in order to obtain a good alternative, even though the preferences of principal and agent might be misaligned. The paper has been accepted for publication in Artificial Intelligence, the international top-journal in AI.

A New Beginning 1 June 2024

After more than 7 very successful years at Goethe University, our group will be moving to RWTH Aachen University over the summer. We are excited about the new opportunities and thank everyone for the great time in Frankfurt.