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Christoph Grüne

Computer Science 1
Dept. of Computer Science
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstrasse 55, E1, Room 4021
D-52074 Aachen, Germany

Phone: +49 241 80 21104
Email: [lastname][AT]algo.rwth-aachen.de

Christoph Grüne



reductions.network - A Compendium of Reductions. On this website many reductions and problems for various complexity classes are presented. If you are searching for information on a reduction or problem, you will probably find, what you are looking for. And if not, I am always happy to receive contributions!



Non-Scientific Websites


The Mate-Connaisseur. In Germany's first mate blog, we report independently on mate ice teas from all over the world. We subject every mate to our standardized taste test and describe our experiences in an article. Our goal is to taste every mate ice tea existing in the whole world.