Bridging Course Algorithms and Data Structures

A blended learning bridge course for M.Sc. students to acquire fundmental basics in design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.


The course is self paced and consists of 12 [video lectures] from MIT Open CourseWare.
The [course material] has been developed by Prof. Charles Leiserson and Prof. Erik Demaine.

If you encounter problems or have questions for some topic of the lecture, you can email your question to Prof. Hoefer.

Recommended Exercises

In addition to the [problems and exercises] posed at the MIT page, we also recommend the following exercises and problems from the book by Cormen et al (2nd edition). Exercises in black color, problems (see final sections of each chapter) are in red color.


All references to chapters (and in particular: all numbers of exercises and problems) refer to the 2nd edition of the book; other editions contain essentially the same material but slightly differ in the numbering of chapters and exercises.